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Rwanda Bill Vote

Rwanda Asylum Bill Passes in Parliament

Third Reading Approved, Majority of 44 Votes

The third reading of the Safety of Rwanda Asylum and Immigration Bill has passed in Parliament, with a majority of 44 votes. The bill, which will allow the UK to send asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing, was approved by 313 votes to 269. No Tory MPs voted against the bill, despite party sources indicating that a number of them had concerns about its legality.

10 Amendments to Be Voted On

The bill will now be subject to a number of amendments, with MPs set to vote on 10 changes to the legislation today. These amendments include measures to ensure that asylum seekers sent to Rwanda will have access to fair and humane treatment, as well as safeguards to prevent vulnerable people from being sent to the country.

Legal Concerns Remain

Despite the passage of the bill, concerns remain about its legality. The Illegal Migration Act 2023, which received royal assent on 20 July 2023, does not explicitly authorize the UK to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. The government has argued that the new bill will provide the necessary legal basis for the policy, but critics have argued that it is still vulnerable to legal challenges.

MPs voted in support of the bill to revive the government's Rwanda policy, which was previously blocked by a High Court ruling in June 2023. The court ruled that the government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda was unlawful because it failed to consider the individual circumstances of each case.
