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Study Reveals Aviations Carbon Footprint

Zero-Emission Planes on the Horizon

Study Reveals Aviation's Carbon Footprint

New Technology Promises Cleaner Air Travel

Commercial aircraft that emit significantly fewer emissions could soon become a reality, according to a recent study. The study, which analyzed 40 million flights in 2019, calculated the greenhouse gas emissions from air travel worldwide.

The results are sobering: aviation currently accounts for a significant portion of global carbon emissions. If the world hopes to limit global warming, aviation must reduce its carbon footprint drastically.

Fortunately, new technology is emerging that could make zero-emission planes a reality. Commercial aircraft like the Boeing 787 and Airbus A320, which can carry hundreds of passengers, are already in the works.

"This news reinforces what we already know - that the aviation industry cannot be trusted to reduce their own emissions," said a spokesperson for a campaign group. "We need to demand that governments and airlines invest in clean energy solutions for aviation."
